
70 Criterion Collection DVDs And Blu-rays On Sale At

In case you’ve been living under a rock today, I thought it’d be nice to share with all of you lovely Criterion addicts that Amazon is currently holding a sale on 70 Criterion Collection DVDs and Blu-rays.

The sale started this morning, and it was great to watch the twitter feed explode with lists of titles that people were picking up while they were so cheap. While we’re waiting for the inevitable Barnes and Noble sale (which may not happen again, according to some sources), it’s nice to see Amazon helping deplete our bank accounts.

Most of the 30 Blu-rays on sale range from $17.99 to $18.99. A couple of notable discs that you should immediately add to your shopping cart are the BBS Box Set, which is down to $52.99 (almost 60% off), and today’s excellent release of Brian De Palma’s Blow Out, which is currently only $18.99 (52% off). On the DVD side of the sale, you can pick up the recent Silent Naruse Eclipse box set for only $19.99 (56% off), or perhaps the massive Battle Of Algiers, down to $23.49 (53% off).

As with most of the sales on Amazon, there is no telling when these prices will jump back to their normal 10-30% off, so if there is something that you’ve been waiting to buy, now is the time.

What are you picking up? List your hauls in the comments below.

Ryan Gallagher

Ryan is the Editor-In-Chief / Founder of, and the host / co-founder / producer of the various podcasts here on the site. You can find his website at, follow him on Twitter (@RyanGallagher), or send him an email: [email protected].


  • The rumor was running around on the forums during the last sale.

    I asked a source that I trust, who would have some knowledge in this field about it, and they indicated that there was truth to the rumor. It didn’t sound like it had definitively been decided that the sale would no longer happen, but that there would need to be a reworking of it.

Just Announced!