Critic and YouTube creator Celeste de la Cabra joins Josh for a journey into the Criterion Channel’s permanent, streaming-only library, and conclude their conversation about the films of Japanese filmmaker and the...
We wrap up Season 4: 1972 by discussing a film portraying the grinding conflicts and ruthless power plays between oppressive governments and desperate insurgencies.
In this episode of Inside the Box, Trevor and David discuss The Complete Jean Vigo, featuring the films Á propos de Nice (1930), Zéro de conduite (1933), and L'Atalante (1934).
David and guests discuss the strengths and liabilities of Bergman's remarkable comeback to arthouse preeminence in this Oscar-winning symphony of suffering.
Friend-of-the-show Michael Hutchins returns for a deep dive into the Criterion Channel’s permanent, streaming-only library, and a conversation about three films from Spanish filmmaker Carlos Saura – Cousin Angelica...
David is joined by Richard Doyle and a first-time guest, actor/filmmaker Aaron Strand, to discuss this film adaptation of a barrier-breaking Broadway musical.