
Ang Lee’s Life Of Pi Gets A New Release Date

With this year’s Christmas slate even more stacked than last year’s massive slate, including films like This Is 40, Zero Dark Thirty, One Shot, The Great Gatsby and Life Of Pi, with The Guilt Trip, Playing The Field and Django Unchained tossed in for good measure, you’d have imagined that one or two of these films would be shifted. Well, apparently it’s Ang Lee who is the first one to blink.

20th Century Fox announced that Life Of Pi, Lee’s much anticipated and recently much hyped adaptation of the beloved novel, will now be hitting during a different holiday, Thanksgiving, as the film will now hit on November 21st.

Only having to really deal with films like Red Dawn and The Silver Linings Playbook, as well as a Twilight film that will be in its junior week, this move is a brilliant one on the part of Fox. The film has been massively talked about ever since the first photo hit and the first bit of footage screened, so hopefully this move will not only be wise for the studio, but also telling of just how great this film truly is.

What do you think?

Source Fox

Joshua Brunsting

Josh is a critic, a member of the Online Film Critics Society, a wrestling nerd, a hip-hop head, a father, a cinephile and a man looking to make his stamp on the world, one word at a time.

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