
Listen to a Track From Cliff Martinez’s Score for Steven Soderbergh’s The Knick

On Friday, Steven Soderbergh’s new series, The Knick, will debut on Cinemax.

The nice folks from The Knick sent us this incredible box of goodies, along with the first episode of the series. It’s an intense hour, and I can’t wait to watch the rest. One of the first things you’ll notice when you watch the show is the jolting score by Cliff Martinez. I’ve loved Martinez’s work ever since he teamed up with Soderbergh for Traffic and Solaris (among others), and he has continuously managed to produce the best soundtracks

Pre-order the soundtrack on iTunes

From Milan Records on Soundcloud, via The Playlist

Ryan Gallagher

Ryan is the Editor-In-Chief / Founder of, and the host / co-founder / producer of the various podcasts here on the site. You can find his website at, follow him on Twitter (@RyanGallagher), or send him an email: [email protected].

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