
Straw Dogs Remake Gets A Poster

Apparently they aren’t even trying to hide the connections to the iconic Sam Peckinpah film any more.

Thanks to director Rod Lurie’s Twitter account, we have the first poster for his upcoming take on the classic Peckinpah film, Straw Dogs, and it’s almost a carbon copy of the original poster, which also adorned its long out of print Criterion Collection release.

The film stars James Marsden, Kate Bosworth and Alexander Skarsgard (who is set to have a huge year with his top notch turn in Lars von Trier’s Melancholia, set to hit later this year), and I’ve been on the record as saying that from what we’ve seen from the film so far, that it doesn’t look like the giant mess that one would assume it to be.   However, while I admire the audacity of Lurie to remake the original poster, I also find that here, it loses a bit of that posters power.

The great thing about the original poster, and much of the marketing for the original film as a whole, is that it just felt so damn matter-of-fact.   There were no PhotoShop effects, no taglines, just blunt and powerful images.   However, I do actually still have a tad bit of hope for this film, which may be silly since the original is an absolute masterpiece, but until I see something that truly sours me on the film, I’ll hold out hope.

What do you think?

Source: Twitter

Listen to our Straw Dogs episode, with special guest: Damon Houx.

Joshua Brunsting

Josh is a critic, a member of the Online Film Critics Society, a wrestling nerd, a hip-hop head, a father, a cinephile and a man looking to make his stamp on the world, one word at a time.

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