Wes Anderson has been the most stylized filmmaker of pop cinema of the past 15 years. This influence runs deep with this generation in particular. Anderson has created a style that fused Jean-Luc Godard and Martin Scorsese with the detail that can’t be matched by any other filmmaker.
Namely, in this Twitter recruiting video done in the style of Wes Anderson’s Rushmore. You can see that Twitter has to be one of the coolest companies to work for. You get a great sense of joy and fun in the Twitter office. Although most offices of start ups are this fun and exciting but how many of them have the same success of Twitter.
Marrying Wes Anderson’s style with the cool of Twitter makes perfect sense, especially in this video. Now admit it, don’t you want to work for Twitter now? I know I do!
Again the purposes of this video is recruit talented people for the Twitter team. They are currently looking for designers and engineers. If you are one of these talented people, be sure to drop them a line @JoinTheFlock (via ReadWriteWeb via Gizmodo) and please mention The CriterionCast. After all, we’re Wes Anderson fans too.
Twitter Recruiting Video
Wes Anderson’s Rushmore