This past month the fine upstanding folks at Oscilloscope released the latest film from Matteo (Gommorah) Garrone: Reality.
From acclaimed director Matteo Garrone, REALITY is a darkly comic look at Luciano, a charming and affable fishmonger whose unexpected and sudden obsession with being a contestant on the reality show “Big Brother” leads him down a rabbit hole of skewed perceptions and paranoia. So overcome by his dream of being on reality TV, Luciano’s own reality begins to spiral out of control, making for one of the most compelling tragicomic character studies since Scorsese’s The King of Comedy.
The release is gorgeous, and you can see some packaging shots over here on our Tumblr.
Check out the trailer for Reality:
The folks at Oscilloscope are offering you lovely readers the chance to win one of four copies of the film, along with a poster signed by Garrone!
How do you win said disc & poster? Here are the rules:
- Fill out the form below (completely)
- Leave a comment below, with your favorite reality show, or why you despise reality shows.
- You must live in the US (sorry international folks)
- No PO Boxes.
- Make sure if you want to be entered, you leave a comment AND fill out the form. If you do only one or the other, you won’t qualify.
- Winners will be picked on Sunday, August 25th at 11:59pm (Pacific)

They say we are living in the “Golden Age of Documentaries” and I could not agree more with that sentiment (see ACT OF KILLING, STORIES WE TELL, and the HBO Short Docs as current proof), so I see reality TV as that bastard child of documentaries living in the attic feeding on fish-heads and continually replaying the McDonald’s menu on vinyl. Sounds horrible, but we can’t stop staring.
The original MTV real world was the one and only time I watched reality tv
Unless you consider american pickers reality tv which I love because I like junk and antiques
My favorite reality show was America’s Next Top Model. I haven’t watched it recently, but I still have the names of the winners and first runners-up from Cycles 1 through 11 memorized, somehow.
By default ill go with Comic Book men as my favorite “reality” Show.
If I didn’t get paid to watch TV I don’t know if I would have a favorite reality show. But since I do, my favorite reality show is BREAKING AMISH.
I think reality shows are one of the primary contributors to the social decline of every culture they represent. They tend to revel in all the worst qualities of human nature.
I love “The Profit”. This show is riveting and enlightening. As an entrepreneur, I definitely identify with it
Pawn Stars
hotel impossible and ghost adventures. come on who doesn’t like watching dirty hotels and ghosts in dirty hotels?
I’ve never thought Reality TV was that close to reality at all.
Normally, I don’t really prefer reality shows, but if I had to choose one, I would have to go with
“Wife Swap”, because it shows you how another family lives, besides your own, and also that the grass is not as green on the other side.
[email protected]
Beauty and the Geek
Initially (years ago!) I liked the very first big reality shows ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Survivor’; and I even went online and talked with people about them sometimes. It was amusing. That was of course before they were entirely populated with out of work bar tenders and models, a bit more ‘real’ though still deliciously contrived and manipulated. One summer I even streamed the ‘Big Brother’ house 24/7 – sort of like a human ant farm. As an Orwell fan I was attracted. Now I don’t watch any television at all, not ever (seriously).
margueritecore [at] gmail [dot] com
I used to like reality TV until two of my friends were in reality TV shows and then I realized how incredibly staged and scripted they are. Soap Operas passing as riveting shows.
Auction Hunters? But as it’s clearly scripted I’m not sure you could call it reality TV.
I don’t really like reality shows anymore because they’ve lost that reality feel. Everything feels scripted and full of gimmicks. Back in the early days of reality shows, it wasn’t as bad or as noticeable. Producers just want to mix it up and it really doesn’t need it. You can tell how things will play out in a reality show now. That’s a shame.
Not a fan at all of reality TV shows. Of what I have seen, many of the scenes and situation ooze “staged” so I don’t quite see the point, more of dramatic reality-based shows or something of that nature would seem more appropriate. BUT to each is own. Me, I’d rather sit through Marketa Lazarova three times in one day than watch one half-hour reality TV show.
I’m not even sure this counts as a reality show because it seems so incredibly scripted, but my biggest reality television related guilty pleasure is ANYTHING on HGTV. Property Brothers, Love It or List It (Too), House Hunters, House Hunters International. You name an HGTV program and I can guarantee I’ve seen it…and enjoyed it.