
First Fan-Made Three Reasons Video Highlights Terry Gilliam’s Brazil

Last month, Criterion unveiled their latest project: the “Three Reasons” video series. In this, they highlight three reasons why they think an upcoming release is particularly special, and worthy of being a part of their collection.

During our discussion of the videos on one of our latest episodes, we tossed around the idea that fans should begin creating their own videos, similar to the fake Criterion covers that we all love.

While we haven’t officially kicked off any contest surrounding the fan produced Three Reasons videos, I do want to share them as they arise. So far we only have one, but I’m hoping that by sharing this on our site, more people will be interested in creating their own.

I think the potential that these videos have is fairly huge, as we can basically go back and pick out the more obscure, or controversial picks from the Criterion catalog, and show the world why they’re worthy. I honestly can’t wait until someone creates Three Reasons videos for The Rock and Armageddon, as they seem to be the “go-to” picks, when attacking the credibility of the Collection.

Our first video was produced by our reader Nick K over on Facebook, and if you head over to our Facebook profile, you can watch the video. He went through and highlighted three reasons why he loves Terry Gilliam’s Brazil. A film that we here at the CriterionCast also love, and had a blast talking with Film School Reject‘s Kevin Carr back in 2009, in one of our early episodes. When thinking about which films I personally would be interested in producing my own Three Reasons videos for, Brazil was high on my list.

If you are thinking about creating your own, definitely send us a link when it’s up, either on Facebook, YouTube, or Vimeo, and we’ll certainly spread the word. In case you’re currently trying to figure out what font Criterion uses for their works, I’m pretty sure it’s the Gotham line of fonts, but I’m not certain. It’s the closest “C” that I’ve found in my font library.

What do you think of this fan-made Three Reasons video? Which film would you like to produce a video for? Leave your thoughts in the comments below. 

Buy the 3-Disc DVD Set on Amazon

Buy the DVD on Amazon

Ryan Gallagher

Ryan is the Editor-In-Chief / Founder of, and the host / co-founder / producer of the various podcasts here on the site. You can find his website at, follow him on Twitter (@RyanGallagher), or send him an email: [email protected].


  • I’d love to do Exterminating Angel, aswell as Equinox, Robinson Crusoe on mars, Pickup on South street, and Crumb. Unfortunately I have no idea how to make these.

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