Almost two years ago, one of our long-time readers created a Facebook Group which would help reshape how I interacted with other members of the Criterion Collection community. Keith Enright, the founder of the Criterion Completion Facebook Group, has been following our podcast and website since the beginning. Every now and then I go back to read old articles that we’ve written, and sure enough: there is a comment from Keith in the post.
In July 2014, the Criterion Completion Facebook Group was formed, and it has become a daily part of my digital life. Folks post all sorts of things about their collecting habits, and talk through the finer details of shelving. Eventually, Keith started up his own website and began chronicling the Criterion Collection is all sorts of fun ways: examining different pieces of cover art, interviewing artists, and highlighting bits of trivia.
This past December, I finally invited Keith to join us on our year-end episode of the podcast, in which we discuss our favorite releases of the past year. A few months later, he and I began discussing the idea of a companion podcast for his website, and it has become a reality.
Keith invited me on as his first guest on the Criterion Completion Hour, and I’m pleased to announce that it will be joining our little network of syndicated home media related podcasts.
Keith’s show will be a monthly addition to the master podcast feed, so if you subscribe already, you should see it in your podcatcher of choice later today. If you subscribe to individual feeds, you can find his RSS feed here.
Thanks to all of the support and feedback that I’ve seen regarding this episode. I can’t wait to hear Hour 2!
Here are all of the ways you can connect with Criterion Completion:
- Bookmark Criterion Completion: Keith’s website where his podcast currently lives.
- Subscribe to Criterion Completion on iTunes, via RSS, Overcast, or Pocket Casts.
- Follow Keith on Twitter