Banksy’s film about street art is probably the most thought provoking, widely entertaining and hilarious movie of 2010. It explores what the meaning of art, commerce and celebrity in the 21st century. What can possibly be perceived as a huge prank or a brilliant display of subversive art, this film tip-toes around fact and fiction almost to the point where it does not matter if it is or not. And to me, this is my #1 movie of 2010, without question.
This documentary follows Frenchman Thierry Guetta, a Los Angeles retailer hipster who has an addiction to his video camera and how far he can push his voyeuristic tendencies. We are introduced to him and his world through a camera lens in a very clever way, simply by showing him shooting everything and anything. He gets a fascination with a budding subculture revolution during the early 2000s, street art. This explores a few things including what street art has become and what it is turning into, the relationship between art and money, Banksy himself and how Thierry Guetta is involved with all three. This film balances each element so well without leaving the audience empty. Each section and bit of this film feels so rich and well thought out and masterfully constructed as it redefines what you can do with the documentary format while having fun.
This film successfully shows an insider’s view of two worlds, the world of street art and the world of art collectors, and how these worlds co-exist when, really, they are completely different. What is art? What is graffiti? In Exit Through The Gift Shop these questions are not really answered, but really it shows how these questions interact with each other. It says, what does it matter, just try to sell it.
This DVD set is worthy of any cinephile or hipster’s collection, not only for the content but the extras. I’m not talking about the DVD extras which are pretty good and include deleted scenes, a featurette called ‘B Movie’ a short film about the career of Banksy and Thierry Guetta’s film about street art, ‘Life Remote Control The Movie’. And one of which, a feature called ‘A Star Is Born – MBW at Cans Festival’ which involves Banksy inviting 40 well known street artist and Mr. Brainwash to do an art show in central London. This feature gives a certain ‘clue’ to the key of Exit Through The Gift Shop’s structure and meaning. It’s very fun! But the goodies that come with the DVD packaging is the reason why it sticks out. It comes with two ‘limited edition’ pieces of art from Banksy and Mr. Brainwash, two stickers and a pair of non-3D glasses with the inscription ‘Special 2D viewing glasses. For maximum viewing pleasure simply put on glasses, start DVD and look out the window.’
Exit Through The Gift Shop is endlessly conversational and endlessly re-watchable. It’s so smart, fun and clever it deserves to be appreciated like any piece of art. Worth watching!
Grade: A+

Great show. Loved the beginning where they showed the art by different artists. The end went on a bit long and it was sad to hear that he may have been crazy with mental problems