Scott Reviews Joe Wright’s Anna Karenina [Theatrical Review] Joe Wright brings a theatrical tradition to his cinema of quality. Scott NyeNovember 16, 2012
Scott Reviews Fritz Lang’s Die Nibelungen [Masters of Cinema Blu-ray Review] Lang's two-part silent epic looks astounding. Scott NyeNovember 5, 2012
Scott Reviews Leos Carax’s Holy Motors [Theatrical Review] Leos Carax's lightning rod of a film is one of the year's most essential films; and one of its best. Scott NyeOctober 26, 2012
Scott Reviews Fritz Lang’s The Testament of Dr. Mabuse [Masters of Cinema Blu-ray Review] Fritz Lang's final film before his self-imposed exile is one of his most explosive. Scott NyeOctober 22, 2012
Scott Reviews Samuel Fuller’s Park Row [Masters of Cinema DVD Review] Samuel Fuller's love letter to the newspaper industry explodes off the screen and into your home. Scott NyeOctober 22, 2012
On the Hulu Channel: Roberto Rossellini’s Voyage to Italy The romance is fading in Rossellini's fourth collaboration with Ingrid Bergman. Scott NyeOctober 22, 2012
On the Hulu Channel: Frank Borzage’s History is Made at Night Frank Borzage's 1937 melodrama is exemplary of a grand 1930s Hollywood production. Scott NyeOctober 7, 2012
Scott Reviews Cecil B. DeMille’s Cleopatra [Masters of Cinema Blu-ray Review] DeMille's 1934 epic delivers on the spectacle it promises, but with a distinct personal slant. Scott NyeSeptember 30, 2012
On the Hulu Channel: Mikio Naruse’s Scattered Clouds Mikio Naruse's final film boasts one of his most daring premises. Scott NyeSeptember 30, 2012
Scott Reviews Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Oedipus Rex [Masters of Cinema Blu-ray Review] Pier Paolo Pasolini's 1967 adaptation of the famous myth is everything you could want from such a description. Scott NyeSeptember 27, 2012
On The Hulu Channel: Mikio Naruse’s Yearning Mikio Naruse's 1964 film extends familiar themes while rocketing firmly into a modern Japan. Scott NyeSeptember 7, 2012
On the Hulu Channel: Mikio Naruse’s Late Chrysanthemums Naruse's 1954 film takes looks at the geisha archetypes he so often explores, years after they've been major players. Scott NyeAugust 30, 2012
Scott Reviews Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Pigsty [Masters of Cinema DVD Review] Scott is as perplexed by Pasolini's 1969 picture as he is delighted by MoC's presentation of it. Scott NyeAugust 26, 2012
On the Hulu Channel: Mikio Naruse’s The Sound of the Mountain Mikio Naruse's 1954 film explores the complex anxieties of the extended family. Scott NyeAugust 21, 2012
Scott Reviews Pier Paolo Pasolini’s Hawks And Sparrows [Masters of Cinema DVD Review] Pier Paolo Pasolini's favorite of his own films arrives on a splendid new DVD from Masters of Cinema. Scott NyeAugust 16, 2012