
Wacky New Years Drawing Hints At The Criterion Collection’s 2019 Line-Up

Our annual New Years present from the Criterion Collection!

As usual, the Criterion Collection New Years Drawing from Jason Polan teases at a number of upcoming releases (announced, rumored, and unknown). I’ll do my best to gather the best guesses in this article, so feel free to comment below.

A huge thanks to Aaron and David for all of their help with this post. Listen to them discuss the Wacky Drawing in this podcast episode.

Here are links to the various drawings from the past few years

Let’s pick it apart below:


A. Diamonds and stars = Diamonds of the Night

B. and C. Owl and Worm = Hedwig and the Angry Inch

D. S Balloon / Air S = The Heiress

E. Angel = An Angel at My Table

F. 3 Cokes = Koker Trilogy

F. Part 2. The table with the game =

G. and H. V in the Hand of Jesus = La Vie de Jesus

I. Rabbit/Warren peas = War and Peace

J. Dads = Children of Men / Europa Europa / One Sings the Other Doesn’t

K. K Lute = Klute

L. Tree =

M. Bamboo Sled = Bamboozled

N. Clock in the swing = Swing Time


Ryan Gallagher

Ryan is the Editor-In-Chief / Founder of, and the host / co-founder / producer of the various podcasts here on the site. You can find his website at, follow him on Twitter (@RyanGallagher), or send him an email: [email protected].

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