While the premise underlying Kiarostami's 24 Frames may look strange on paper -- in this, his final film, he animates 24 still images and presents them one-by-one -- the result is a surprisingly rich work that explores...
Earlier this year The Criterion Collection released Ron Shelton's Bull Durham, giving us a great opportunity to revisit a maligned classic. The film, though, doesn't deserve derision. It's a delicate, and often funny...
After decades of obscurity, Olivier Assayas's Cold Water is finally available in a lovely edition from The Criterion Collection. This is as it should be. The film is a masterpiece.
This legendary screen adaptation of the groundbreaking Lorraine Hansberry play finally arrives on Criterion Collection DVD and Blu-ray, and is a solid, context-heavy dive into one of the most culturally significant...
The Criterion Collection's new Blu-ray of Ingmar Bergman's The Virgin Spring is a shimmering presentation that makes the film -- a dark exploration of faith, murder, and revenge -- new again.
John Schlesinger's Midnight Cowboy is always going to be remembered as the first and only X-rated film to win the Best Picture Academy Award. But beyond this bit of trivia, and despite some of its flaws, Midnight Cowboy...
Sergei Parajanov's 1969 film The Color of Pomegranates is a one-of-a-kind masterpiece of poetic cinema. The new Criterion Collection edition has a beautiful presentation of the film alongside several supplements that...
Edith Wharton's The Age of Innocence is a tremendous story, and Martin Scorsese's adaptation presents an immaculately constructed world by lovingly utilizing early-filmmaking techniques. Hopefully the new Criterion...